When it rains it really poureth Rapiers dates.
Our lads just confirmed almost four dozen gigs for their new stageshow A Tribute to Cliff Richard & The Shadows: The Golden Years featuring singer Jimmy Jemain (second from left, above), 28 September thru 28 November, across Holland, including Amsterdam on 26 November.
"The format is two halves," says Nathan J. Hulse. "Each half opens with 15-20 minutes of us doing Shadows stuff, followed by Jimmy Jemain doing his Cliff. I think the newest number will be Congratulations [1968]; otherwise, all early music."
Heavens! I imagine perennially picky eater Colin "HP Sauce" Pryce-Jones might lose a few stone during his over-the-water sojourn.
Find dates and venues on this Dutch language page.
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