Scanning the entertaining profiles* of Nathan J. Hulse and Neil Ainsby reveals reminders that our lads play bit parts (NJH: "I'm an EMI executive and a photographer") in the forthcoming film Telstar about '60s producer Joe Meek, starring Con O'Neill, Nick Moran, Kevin Spacey and Rita Tushingham.
As yet, I find no release date for this production, originally slated for summer 2008, on or the official site.
The Back Story
In late August 2007, Neil, Nathan, John Tuck and Colin Pryce-Jones spent a day filming, as reported here.
"Wardrobe took our measurements but asked us to come in our normal '60s-styled gear as well. They were so happy with our appearance that we didn't need to be fitted!" Nathan said at the time.
The images of sartorial splendour below came from the shoot.
TELSTAR STARS: Top, clothes make the Rapier men. Above, posing with cast members Collette Winter, Sarah Hannah, Ruth Wynne and Danielle Voller; photo by Patrick Barclay.
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