The tragic passing of Rapier Wayne Nicholls and his wife Jackie, in a North London traffic accident two years ago this week, elicited a poignant stream of consciousness memory on my Rapiers MSN site from one Babygal1990021:
this week has not only been hard for me but also the nicholls family, i actually remember the call i got the day these lovely people died. i did indeed pass out, they were such loving people aand only the good die young. it's been 2 years and has gone so fast, and up above i hope wayne likes the fathers day card i put upon his grave, it has on the front "your like a daddy to me". which he was. he is the father of my close friend wayne jr nicholls. and he looks so much like his dad. the truth is im still not over their death, i think about them everyday without fail and i fight back the tears, my goal in life is to help my friend and his grandad brian nicholls. this is actually the most iv ever told anyone how i feel, i havent told no1 how i feel. wayne was like a dad to me and jackie was like a mother. she used to give me cuddly toys and i still have a pair of boots she gave me :) and as for jet harris, he is a really good mate , and a really close friend of the nicholls, and JET my mums a bit young for you :), mum and jet r close friends. its surprising wat ur parents chldhood friends can do for you:) i love talkin bout rock n roll because i feel like its a big part of my life. anybody who wants to talk please add me on [email protected] :)
i didnt actuall expect this to be posted on the website. but im glad it is and if anyone actually feels this way they should come out and speak 2 xxx toni 16 from london
Posted by: | 22 June 2007 at 11:47 AM