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26 June 2007


"Moonlight Shadow" is a latter day Shadows track that has been a favourite of mine. Taking a look a Youtube, I see Mike Oldfield has transformed it into a standout concert number -- majestic and highly visual with a sense of drama. Must say I think it would be a crowd stormer for the The Rapiers, Billie, The Songbirds plus Kay and Susie. Know "Moonlight Shadow" came out well after 1962 but so did "Breakthru" and that is a blast of an instrumental that is so Rapiers! Do dreams ever come true???

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Rapiers Favourites

  • Ace Cafe London
    Great English fry-ups on the North Circular, real Rapiersland.
  • Ace Records
    Re-issuers of "1961", originally issued in 1987.
  • Amersham Rock 'n' Roll Club
    See the stars up close and personal at this Buckinghamshire hot spot.
  • Fury Records
    The rock 'n' roll specialty label behind most of The Rapiers' recordings.
  • Joe Meek Society
    Delve into the life and times of Britain's 1st independent record producer.
  • Joe Meek Yahoo! Group
    Ongoing discussion of Meekdom news and happenings.
  • John Leyton
    "Johnny Remember Me", "Wild Wild" and "Son This Is She" are his hits, spectacularly rendered by The Rapiers.
  • Kaisers
    Musical kin to The Rapiers, pride of Scotland, Beatmeisters first class.
  • Liam Watson
    White Coat proprietor of Toe Rag Studios, our lads' preferred recording studio.
  • Mike Berry
    Another original from the Joe Meek stable of stars.
  • My Generation Yahoo! Group
    Focusing on '60s BritPop stars like The Searchers.
  • Official Monster Raving Loony Party
    Founded by Screaming Lord Sutch, OMRLP offers voters sense and sensibility at each by-election.
  • Palm Door Films
    LA-based documentarians behind "A Life in the Death of Joe Meek".
  • Pipeline Magazine
    The instrumental rock review also sponsors an annual Easter convention.
  • Shadow Music
    Ground Zero for all things Shadows: music, comment, clubs and more.
  • Telstar The Movie
    The Rapiers make bit cameos in director Nick Moran's 2009 biopic of the rise and fall of producer Joe Meek.
  • YouTube
    Saving you the trouble of keying in "Rapiers".


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