Never a flamingo pink lightsaber when you need one...
Besides Dr. Who nemeses at Saturday's City of London Police annual awards dinner, benefiting a local children's charity, The Rapiers encountered the man in black from a galaxy far, far away, none other than Lord Vader.
"The bash had a futuristic theme based in the year 3007," explains Dave Lawes, "hence Daleks and Stars Wars stormtroopers all over the place. It was a little tricky introducing The Rapiers into the mix (yes, we played). But cleverly we travelled back in time with the countback of years from 3007 to 1961 shown on a big screen behind the band, to music from an Austin Powers film."
Was the force with our retro Jedi lads?
"The feedback from everyone was tremendous," Dave says. "Apparently we stole the show, which is a bit strange considering the theme! Although I don't have the figures, I understand we helped raised a lot of money."
Terrestial images smuggled by Nathan J. Hulse, member, Rebel Alliance, Enfield Division.