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August 16, 2010



"I... felt awful. But a satisfied, proud, It's Done! awful."

The "awful" is why I can't understand why I keep signing up for races. Every time I finish one, I swear it's my last. And then I get the email announcing the next race and the process starts all over again.

Congrats again on a stellar finish. Now, how do I find a Patrick between now and October?

Greg O.

Maybe Patrick has a twin sister who'd like to run the Nike Women's Half with you, Alisa.

I sure liked him leading me onward through the Streets of San Francisco. Wonder if he can be hired out for future races as my personal pacer?

Awful? Yes, you're right: That fades, its place taken by a desire for another helping.

Mary Gilbert

I watched Greg invent himself as a marathoner and athlete. You have completely transformed your energy, your body, and your attitude! So inspired and proud. Nice blog dude.

Greg O.

Wow, thanks, Mary!


Amazing, Greg. Kudos on a job well done and on an inspirational recap. Keep soaring!

Greg O.

Kristin, thanks. Soaring is IT!

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