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July 04, 2010



Time they say, is a great healer. In my experiance time takes away the sharp edges of the pain of grief. Time makes it easier to look back and smile at my memories, instead of feeling that sharp knife edge twist. Time makes it easier to say 'Mum would have loved that' without feeling my eyes filling with tears. The first year was definately the hardest, full of 'this time last years', somehow this time two years ago isn't so painful. My Mum passed over in November 2006, and I really can't believe its that long, it still feels like a heartbeat ago. But thats how it should be, my Mum is in my heart forever, but now at least I can look back and smile. xx Pam

Greg Ogarrio

Pam, thank you for those lovely comments. I hope you're right about two years, three years, four years. I'll see. :)

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